The Mary Collins Agency has seen a lot of changes to the industry over the years. When we opened in 1984, glossy 8×10 b&w headshots, reel-to-reel audio tape and three-quarter inch videocassettes were the standards. We printed elaborate “headbooks” (collections of photographs) of our actors to promote them to casting directors. Clients used to messenger (a forerunner of Uber) or FedEx scripts to us for auditions. Since cell phones didn’t exist, actors wore pagers, sometimes called “beepers”, so we could reach them in a hurry, although “in a hurry” meant they had to respond to the pager by finding a telephone to call us back; quarters in the pocket or car were a must. If time was not of the essence, an “answering machine” (the ancestor of voicemail), was the cool technology of the time, allowing messages to be left on small cassettes for retrieval later. It was a different, slower, analog world, hardly remembered now, and arguably not missed.
We went digital as soon as it became available, with CDs compiled of our voiceover demos, and headshots in color. In 2000, we launched our first website, replacing all physical media with digital. Since actors’ materials were on our websites, we no longer had to produce these materials in the “old school” way. It was a long time coming.
It’s always challenging to change with the times, but also rewarding and sometimes even fun. We hope you enjoy looking through our past. It got us to where we are today.