Leif Anders is an actor and narrator groomed in Hollywood and known for A Scanner Darkly (2006), DC Universe Online (2011), and the Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020), as well as political voiceovers for Barack Obama’s campaigns and more recently for Joe Biden. Adele’s debut was announced by Leif for her first album “Nineteen” and he narrated a laugh out-loud Super Bowl Ad for the Dodge Hellcat not long ago. Leif’s state-of-the-art studio allow connections to others around the world with professional grade AES/EBU digital. For any internet connection including Source Connect, or recording with clients listening in and files delivered at gigabit speed, he provides a sound that is epic. Leif Anders is a Swede, who’s married to Australian Olympian, Elli Overton. They are raising three teenagers in Austin Texas y’all!